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Tourism Real Estate Project Development
Co-operation of ETI Trier and Academia Engiadina
TVET in Hotel & Tourism
SANA'A. The National Hotel and Tourism Institute (NAHOTI) has been established by the Yemeni Government with the financial support of the European...
SANA'A. Under the patronage of the President Ali Abdullah Saleh, the official opening of the National Hotel and Tourism Institute (NAHOTI) took place...
Ulaanbaatar. The USAid - Economic Policy Reform and Competitiveness Project (EPRC) has been promoting the formation of a private sector led...
Ulaanbaatar. A kick-off workshop has been carried out in the Ministry of Road, Transport and Tourism, on the 20th of April 2006, to develop the...
Press Conference YemenFriday, 10.03.06, 03.00 p.m.ITB Berlin, ICC, Room 13/14The Press Conference for Yemen titled as "Tourism Potentials of Arabia...
By Abdul Aziz OudahFeb 19, 2006 - Vol. IX - Issue 06
SANA’A – A training seminar to develop and improve vocational education across Yemen according...
By Abdul-Aziz Oudah & Adnan HizamDec 10, 2005 - Vol.VIII Issue 48
SANA’A - Yemen’s first hotel training center, the National Hotel and Tourism...