Sustainable tourism - innovation and cooperation

Annual conference of the DGfG-Tourism Working Group together with the Working Group Leisure + Tourism of the DVAG

27 and 28 May 2011 in Stralsund

Annual conference with specialist events: Sustainable Tourism - Innovation and Cooperation

DVAG Working Group Leisure + Tourism in cooperation with the DGfG Working Group Leisure and Tourism Geography invite to the annual conference in Stralsund.

The annual conference will deal with sustainable concepts in tourism. Within the framework of the joint annual conference, the DVAG Working Group Leisure + Tourism will offer a session to engage in dialogue with the expert audience on the challenges of economic development for tourism development. In line with the conference's objective of identifying future fields, sessions will deal with content accents that are integrated into the framework theme:

  • Branding in tourism
  • Mobility and tourism
  • Social sustainability in tourism
  • eGuides in tourism
  • Management of destinations - or how to square the circle

The sessions have different formats and include presentations, workshops and discussions on the various topics.


Further information about the DVAG: kai.partale[at]